12 april 2011

Origami easter bunny and free printable

Still in the origami mood, and it is contagious. Last week our school held an auction for Japan and our eldest son teached his class to fold cranes. They've been folding like mad men. Every who contributed got one. I've made these bunnies and put them in a cardholder.  I also hung a few in a willow branch. "What are these kangaroos doing in the easter tree...?". I used this tutorial.

I also made a free printable out of it. Since I have so many Swedish readers everyday, I've made a Swedish Easter card for them. By clicking on the picture, you can copy/paste it. If you print it on heavy weight paper it's a nice Easter card.Thank you all for stopping by. Feel free to say hello!

Edit: I noticed that the colors appear not like I intended them on a Mac. So I post just the plain picture, without the 'glad pask' (can't get the little circle on top). Sorry...

7 opmerkingen:

  1. What a great card! Thanks!
    Happy easter to you too!

  2. Mooi gedaan, prachtige kleuren!
    (alles goed met je?)

  3. Aha de kangeroes! Ik zie er gewoon haasjes in hoor! Leuk. Suus

  4. Oh, prachtig! Maar hoe heb je de bloemen gemaakt?

  5. @ladyknit Het zijn dezelfde bloemen als bij de geisha's http://vervlogendagen.blogspot.com/2011/02/sakura-festival.html

  6. Wat gaaf zeg! Jij bent daar echt goed in!


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